This poor, neglected post has been sitting in my drafts for YEARS! I started it and then never had the time to finish it. Eventually it became forgotten. But after reviewing a few of the drafts I had, I thought this post on how to slowly rebuild your closet would be the perfect time of year to edit it and finish it up.
Many times with the new year, people decide they would like a ‘refresh’ in areas of their lives. That may include healthy goals, emotional goals, or goals to revamp their wardrobe and style. Perhaps this had nothing to do with a New Year’s resolution.
Why Rebuild Your Closet?
There are many reasons to need to rebuild a closet. Maybe you woke up one day and suddenly hated everything in your closet. Or maybe you’ve experienced a weight change. Maybe you just had a baby. But, it’s hard for many people to get a whole new wardrobe at once.
I remember finally getting back to my regular clothing after having my first daughter. I was so looking forward to being back in ‘normal’ clothes. Except I hadn’t worn some of the items for over a year, longer with my seasonal items like shorts. So much of my clothing didn’t fit the way I wanted and was out of style. So long I had purchased ‘outfits’ in lieu of mix and match clothing items. I didn’t know how to put things together. In short, I was in desperate need of a closet overhaul. The problem was being on maternity leave we just didn’t have the funds for that. How to go about it all? I learned through reading blogs, scouring pinterest and trying it for myself. In fact, it’s one of the reasons I primarily focus on budget friendly clothing here.
Here was how I did it and tips if you are wanting to overhaul your closet, too.
1. Divide your closet.
Go through your clothing. Make three piles. You will want a Donate/Toss Pile, Keep Pile, and a Eventually Replace pile.
Here is why:
- Donate/Toss Pile- There are some items that you will flat out never wear again. Whether they are worn out, the fit is totally off, or they are out of style they should go in the Donate/Toss Pile. Get ’em out of there!
- Keep Pile-Then there are items that are still on trend, look good on you, and make you feel confident. There are no signs of wear or fit issues. They go in the Keep Pile.
- Eventually Replace- Never heard of a pile like this? Well, these are the items that mostly work for you. Maybe they are a pair of jeans you always need to wear a belt with. Or maybe it’s a cheap sweater you would eventually like to replace with wool one.
If you want to slowly rebuild your closet only get rid of the items you will truly never wear again. You can always get rid of more, but it’s pretty hard to get an item back once it has been donated or trashed! Keep some items as place holders if they are ok for now. Then you can slowly replace them as your budget allows.
2. Make a List.
What items do you truly feel like you are missing? What items are basic items that will be incredibly useful and versatile in your closet? Designate what items are going to be essential for making your wardrobe work more functionally. Think black jeans, a blazer or cardigan, plain tees or sweaters in neutral colors. This is the list you will slowly begin to buy. Pinterest is incredibly helpful in figuring out what ‘holes’ are in your closet. But try to be honest with yourself. Don’t feel pressured to buy everything on a ‘closet essentials’ list. It may not work for your style, coloring, or life. And that is OK!
3. Make a Separate List.
What items would you eventually like to replace? Maybe you want just a slightly better fit or better quality item. Items that are not essential, but you would like to add to your closet can also go on this list (think colored/patterned pants, trendy items, or items in non-neutral colors). Prioritize these items so you know what would be used most or what is most wanted. But be flexible, too. Sometimes items on your list can go on sale or be found secondhand for amazing deals so it isn’t always important to go in order.
4. Set a Budget.
It’s important to stick to a budget when overhauling your closet. My husband and I set a monthly amount for each of us. It serves as our clothing budget and fun money. I love a good challenge and would try to find 2-3 items per month from my list. Now that I have a great foundational wardrobe with plenty of extras, I try to review what I have and replace items as they wear out. It’s nice to be able to roll-over funds and create a nest egg in case you want to spend a little extra or splurge on an item one month like a designer bag.
5. Start Shopping!
With your budget in place, now it’s time to look at your lists. When rebuilding your closet on a budget, it’s important each item is versatile and checks a lot of boxes. I recommend asking yourself the following questions when you are about to purchase something. That way you can ensure the item you are purchasing will work in a variety of ways in your closet.
- Can it be worn tucked or untucked?
- How many seasons can I wear it in?
- Can it be layered under or over something?
- What colors match or compliment it?
- Do I need to iron it? Special washing instructions? Wear a camisole for modesty? Is there anything that will prohibit me from wanting to wear this item?
- What occasions/places can I wear this to? Work? Weekend? Date night? Can I dress it up or down?
- Is it flattering?
- How is the fit?
- What pants or skirts can I wear this with that are already in my closet?
- Is it classic or trendy?
- How many times can I reasonably expect to wear this in a year?
- How is the quality? What is the fabric content?
- What shoes can I wear with these? Flats, heels, boots, booties, tennis shoes?
- What seasons can I wear these?
- How is the fit? Standing, sitting, etc. Do I need a belt? Is there anything about the fit that would make me not want to wear them?
- What about the color/print/wash?
- Could I cuff them if I wanted? How is the length?
- Would they look good with a shirt tucked, untucked, or both?
- What colors match or compliment it?
- Do I need to iron them? Special washing instructions?
- Is there anything that will prohibit me from wanting to wear these?
- What occasions/places can I wear these to? Work? Weekend? Date night? Can I dress them up or down?
- Are they flattering? Where is pocket placement? Are there even pockets?
- What can I wear these with that I already own?
- What undergarments do I need to wear with these?
- Can I still wear these if I gain/lose 5 pounds?
- Is this a classic fit or trendy?
- How many times can I reasonably expect to wear this in a year?
If looking for printed pants or skirts, see my post on 3 Tips for Shopping for Patterned Pants.
- What shoes can I wear with these? Flats, heels, boots, booties?
- Where do I want this to sit on my waist?
- Can I wear tucked or untucked tops with this?
- Can I wear this in multiple seasons by adding tights or other layers?
- What tops do I already have in my closet to pair this with?
- Does it look good with a cardigan or blazer?
- Is this fit flattering?
- What are the washing/care instructions?
- Is it lined? Do I need to wear a slip? Does the fabric cling to tights?
- Can I dress it up for work or date night? What about with a graphic tee for a casual day?
- What seasons can I wear this in?
- Does it need to be belted? Can I belted it to switch up the look?
- Can I wear things over or under it or warmth or versatility?
- What type of shoes can I wear with it or am I limited? Flats? Heels? Boots? Sneakers?
- Is the fit flattering? Does it need to be altered at all?
- Could any part of the style ‘date’ the dress?
- How does movement feel in this dress?
- Does anything prohibit me from wearing it? Undergarments needed, ironing/steaming, too fancy, etc.
Cardigans & Blazers:
- Will this work for my lifestyle?
- Can I move the way I need to in this? Sometimes blazers can be constricting if you need to move your arms often.
- What is the collar like? How does it look when paired over top other types of collars? No collar? Peter pan collar? Pointed collar? V neck or crew neck?
- Does this color/print work with the tops and dresses you already have?
- Is it lined? Can I cuff the sleeves and will it still look good?
- Can I wear this casually or for a more formal environment?
- What do I want to wear underneath? A sleeveless blouse? Long sleeve blouse? Light sweater? Does the fit allow for that?
- What are the care instructions?
If you are wanting a FREE print out option of this list, click HERE.
Hopefully by asking yourself these questions you will be sure to add versatile items while you rebuild your closet. The goal is to find items that can truly be used in many ways and occasions from casual to more formal. When you rebuild your closet piece by piece instead of with outfits, you will end up with a lot more to wear because each piece can be paired with others in your closet.