I love, love, LOVE my kids, but raising children is no walk in the park. Just when the
potty training part of it has come to an end, and you think that you are over
the worst of it, you realize that changing diapers and enduring sleepless nights
was the simple part. Their needs are easily met. If it isn’t food, then it is something to drink, tiredness, or a full diaper. There is no escaping the fact that, as they grow up,
children will be exposed to a number of challenges and obstacles. Oh hello emotions and social skills and academics! Here are some
tips on how to protect them.
Be there
The most important thing that you can do as a parent
is to make sure that your kids know you are always there for them. Make it
known that no topic is forbidden from discussion and that they can come to you
with anything, and you will listen openly. By getting this message across from
an early age, you are laying the groundwork for your children to communicate
with you better and more frequently as they reach their teenage years and
beyond. We also try to teach our oldest that if she comes to us if she has done something wrong or is in trouble we will always help and if she deserves punishment it will be far less harsh if she brought it to our attention first instead of us finding out on our own. Remember that the essential thing is to listen and not to
Only pass on some advice or guidance if your kids ask for it.
Know when to seek help
There will be instances when your children are
struggling with something and may or may not confide in you about how they are
feeling or what is going on in their lives. There will also be instances when
they really need help, but don’t know how to ask for it. This is why you, as
their parent, will need to be able to recognize these signs and find them help
when it is required. Familiarize yourself with the signs and
symptoms of issues like substance abuse or eating disorders and get in touch
with a treatment center, like Eden Treatment, for advice. Personally, I struggled with an eating disorder in college and my parents found a counselor for me to see to help me. In these types
of situations, recovery is hinged on getting the right help quickly, and having
a strong support system in place. Seeking help from professionals does not make you a bad parent. It makes you a very good one to recognize you are not the best person to suited to helping your child.
by Berendey_Ivanov/Andrey_Kobysnyn from Pexels
Learn from your mistakes
It is good to remember that your kids are growing up
in a completely different world than you did. The rules are different, and so
are the dangers. I’m dating myself here, but we didn’t get a computer until I was in 1st grade and we didn’t have internet for years after that. Technology has a huge role in our children’s lives nowadays. Therefore, while it is important to learn from the mistakes
you made as a child and help your own children to avoid making the same ones,
it is also important to realize that they are going to make plenty of mistakes
of their own.
Educate yourself
As already mentioned, it is a must to learn what signs
and symptoms to look out for in terms of common teenage problems. However, what
is even more essential is to educate yourself regarding the world in which they
live. Find out what kind of slang the kids are using today, what they are doing
on social media, and what the latest fads are. By educating yourself in this
regard, you will be much better equipped to know when something isn’t right, or
your child is at risk.
Ultimately, you cannot protect your kids from every
negative situation that they may face. However, you can ensure that they are appropriately
equipped to deal with these situations and that you are there to provide the
necessary guidance when the time is right.