Sweater | Leggings (exact, similar) | Boots (save, splurge) | Bag (save, splurge) | Earrings (similar, similar)
Sweater | Leggings (exact, similar) | Boots (save, splurge) | Bag (save, splurge) | Earrings (similar, similar)
It’s been an interesting week. Mostly because it was quite the weekend. I busted butt on Saturday running errands and getting things done so on Sunday we could get some blog photos taken. Unfortunately after 3 1/2 weeks of being migraine-free I woke up with a doozy Sunday morning. On the plus side, at least I had those 3+ weeks! The preventative medication I’ve been on has been working and that is the longest stretch without a migraine I have had in months! Well I took some migraine meds and it was getting better so I was able to get ready and I was heading downstairs to get lunch and take more migraine meds and I fell. Feet completely out from under me and I was down for the count. I landed on my back halfway down the stairs. Matt heard the boom and came running. Thankfully I didn’t break anything, but I really hurt the left side of my back. It’s been hard to walk, but worse to lift or bend down.
Needless to say I’ve been nearly helpless the beginning part of this week. No blog photos, only one blog post written. But life happens. I was blessed that my mom was able to come Monday night (on her birthday no less) to help out since Matt needed to go on a business trip. That’s the kind of mom I have and the kind of mom I want to be. She thought nothing of packing a bag and driving down. Helped me change diapers, do laundry, and anything else. I am moving so much better now and so grateful that I had a chance to take it easy lifting and bending down so I could heal!
I wasn’t able to take new photos, but I had this outfit sitting in my drafts and decided I could share it along with my answers to some questions from Chrissy. The sweet and sunny Chrissy, who blogs at Granola & Grace nominated me for the Sunshine Award.
Where did you grow up?
I grew up all over the place. My dad was in the military so I grew up as an Army brat. I was born in El Paso, Texas. When I was 6 months old we moved to Ft. Dix, New Jersey. Then we moved back to El Paso when I was six, just before my 1st grade year. After my 4th grade year, we moved to Seoul, South Korea for a year and a half. Then my dad retired from the military and we moved to Wisconsin for a year. When my dad got a job in Rockford, Illinois my parents bought a home in nearby Rockton. They still live there today. I went to college in the Quad Cities on the border of Illinois and Iowa. After college, Matt and I got married and we lived in Beloit, Wisconsin for a year while I took a year off before going to grad school. Then we moved to Milwaukee and lived there for just over 10 years before moving to Naperville, Illinois this summer! Whew, that was a long answer!
Why do you blog?
At first I started to blog to hold myself accountable. I had just had Claire and didn’t want to feel like I was settling when I looked at my closet or when I got dressed. I wanted to feel good about myself and what I was wearing. Oh and I wanted to prove it could be done on a budget! So I began documenting revamping my closet, month by month.
Where do you find your daily or weekly blog inspiration?
I find inspiration everywhere. I love following other bloggers and seeing how I could recreate outfits with items I already have. Pinterest is another great inspiration for me. I even have a note on my phone when I see color combinations I like on others or just out and about I add them in. Then I have several places I can turn to when I don’t know what to wear.
What’s your favorite healthy food?
Well that is a tough one! I enjoy eating a lot of fruit. Pretty much any type of fruit there is, I like eating it! My children are the same way.
What’s your biggest blog struggle? For example: finding time to comment on other blogs, social media, technical issues, etc.
Finding time for everything! Haha! I feel like my schedule is constantly changing so it’s hard to have a set time for commenting, linking up, or writing posts. My husband takes my photos and since he travels a lot we have to take photos when he is home. So no traveling to fun locations and we mostly have to deal with whatever weather we have.
What are your most recently learned blogger tips?
I learned some great tips on pitching brands when I put together this post. It helped confirm some of the things I thought and I learned a few other tips on what to include in emails when pitching brands.
Here are my nominations! Please don’t feel any pressure to write a post or respond. Just know I respect you, love your personalities, and your blogs!
2. Ada at Elegance and Mommyhood
4. Carrie at Curly, Crafty Mom
7. Kathrine at Kathrine Eldridge
10.Leslie at Once Upon a Time Happily Ever After
If you do write a post, here are the instructions:
Nominate a few other bloggers
Write Your Own Questions
Add a Sunshine Blogger Award Logo
Here are your questions:
1. What is your favorite self-indulgence?
2. Do you prefer dark chocolate, milk chocolate, or white chocolate?
3. What is your favorite type of music to listen to?
4. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
5. If you received $5,000 what is the first thing you would spend it on?
6. What is the ultimate experience you would love to have as a result of your blog?
7. How long do you envision yourself blogging?
8. Who is another blogger you would love to meet in person?
9. What is one thing on your bucket list?
10. What is your favorite holiday and why?
If you post, please let me know! I don’t want to miss it!
linking up with Thursday Fashion Files, High Latitude Style, Thursday Moda, A Labor of Life, Chic and Stylish , Weekly Style Edit, Trendy Thursday, Fashion Frenzy, Friday’s Fab Favorites, Fabulous Friday, Weekend Wear Linkup, On the Edge of the Week, Fancy Friday, How I Fall, Shoe and Tell, Start the Week Stylish, On Mondays We Link Up, Weekday Wear