Plaid top-J.Crew Factory (similar, similar) | Dress-Gap, thrifted (similar, similar) | Necklace-ebay (similar) | Tights-Walmart | Boots-Etienne Aigner (similar, similar)
Last week Susan from Charming Lucy asked me for a clarification on how I set my clothing budget. I don’t think I’ve ever fully explained how we set our clothing budget and maintain it.
First of all, it’s not exactly a clothing budget. At the beginning of every month we set aside $150 each for spending or saving how ever we want. It could be a night out with friends, manicures, or clothing (that’s how I typically like to spend it!). I even take money I spend on the blog (participating in group giveaways, subscribing to inlinkz, etc.) out of my budget. We created a separate account for our budget so it doesn’t get mixed up with anything else and transfer money into or out of it as needed at the beginning of the month.
I keep track of everything I spend on a spreadsheet on my computer. I keep receipts in my wallet until I enter the amount. That makes it easier at the end of each month when I do my budget posts, too! We also add any money we get from gifts, ebates, or any other money we receive and then roll over the amount we have at the end of each month. That way we can save up and buy something larger if we wish. If I happen to actually get money from blogging, I always put aside some for taxes (just in case) and then split the remainder with my husband for our budget. I figure he takes the pictures and puts up with me so it’s the least I can do.
I think that about covers it! Hope it all makes sense!
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