Dress-DIYed (similar, similar) | Vest-F21 (similar, similar) | Shoes-Target, DIYed by me (exact, similar) | Ring-souvenir (similar, similar) | Bracelets-DIYed | Necklace-won (similar) | Earrings-Francesca’s (similar, similar)
Hmm, I guess this outfit turned out to be quite the DIYed one. It really came together so well though. I had roughly .5 seconds to get an outfit on before I left for work and without much thought the elements of it all still mesh well. I wasn’t able to find a denim vest I liked (darn you Old Navy for selling out!) so my utility vest has really been my go to for an easy layer during the warmer weather. Despite the rush, I was able to grab some fun gold accessories to complete it all!

Linking up with Tres-Chic Fashion, Working Girl Style, Summer Style, Spotlight Weekly, Let Your Light Shine, Happiness at Midlife