Sure CBD is becoming more and more commonplace in products. Marijuana is becoming legalized in many places. But what about hemp seeds? With all the potential and confirmed health benefits of hemp seeds, it’s a mystery as to why it’s not more widely used. Of course, due to its connection with marijuana, hemp seeds may have a negative connotation. But hemp seeds are chemically different from the drug and a completely different product. They are completely safe to consume. In fact, many health experts are saying that hemp seeds may potentially be beneficial to you. Moreover, some health experts working within the hemp industry are even carrying out studies to answer common questions such as “Is hemp or CBD better?” and other important queries. For now, though, here are some of the potential nutritional and health benefits hemp seeds have.
High in protein
Did you know hemp seeds have some of the highest amounts of protein of any nut or grain out there, making it a good option for vegetarians or vegans? They’re a complete protein, which means it contains all nine essential amino acids required to build muscle mass and help your body repair from injuries and even grow. When compared to similar products such as chia seeds and flaxseeds, whose calories are about 16-18% protein, hemp seeds come in with more than 25% of their calorie count as protein! That means these nuts (yes they’re technically classified as nuts) can make a big impact on your daily protein.
It’s possible to buy bulk hempseeds so that you can make sure you always have this protein source to add to your smoothies or sprinkle on top of your yogurt each morning. I’m making an effort to make sure I’m eating more protein earlier in the day in an effort to stay full longer and not snack so much! This is a great option.
High in fat
About 30% of the hemp seed is some form of fat. This may sound like a drawback, but considering this is the ‘good’ kind of fat like linoleic acid – also known as omega-6 – and alpha-linolenic acid, which is more commonly known as omega-3 it really is a positive. These fats help boost the immune system, which contributes to keeping you healthier and wards off sickness, and also helps with heart disease, as it reduces blood pressure and slows down the development of plaque in the arteries.
May combat heart disease
As well as the omega-3 just mentioned, hemp seeds have other nutritional benefits that can all potentially aid with reducing the risk of heart disease. Arginine is another amino acid that hemp seeds contain. This acid encourages the production of nitric oxide inside your body, a gas molecule that makes your blood vessels dilate and relax, making it easier for blood to flow through and reduces the pressure. Studies have even suggested that an increased arginine intake prompts a decrease of CRP levels in your body (high levels of CRP are linked to inflammation and heart disease).
May aid with digestion
Fiber is an essential part of your diet as it helps with your digestive health. Hemp seeds are a fantastic source of both soluble and insoluble fiber, helping with all sorts of digestive processes! Just make sure that if you’re looking for fiber from hemp seeds, be sure that they’ve not been de-hulled or shelled as it’s these shells that are rich with this important fiber.
Do you think you will be adding hemp seeds to your diet? It can be easy to add them into your breakfast foods, sprinkle on salads, drink hemp milk, and even bake with them!