Plaid shirt-c/o Noracora | Jeans (similar, similar) | Shoes-c/o Popjulia | Bag (save, splurge) | Earrings
Plaid shirt-c/o Noracora | Jeans (similar, similar) | Shoes-c/o Popjulia | Bag (save, splurge) | Earrings
Plaid shirt-c/o Noracora | Jeans (similar, similar) | Shoes-c/o Popjulia | Bag (save, splurge) | Earrings
This post is getting up a little later than usual because it’s been a bit busy lately! My usual 2 hours in the afternoon when Avie is napping is my time to catch up on housework, get dinner started, and get some blog commenting done. That is gone now because of Claire’s schoolwork. While she can do some things independently, she does need help staying on schedule and getting started. That means I have about 10 minutes at a time. So blogging has been suffering. Of course laundry and dinner has been, too! Thank goodness for a three day weekend though. Hopefully I can get caught up and maybe even ahead of schedule. Fingers crossed!
Yesterday was another gorgeous day with temps in the 70s. I took advantage and dressed in light clothing by pulling out my white denim again with a new spring plaid top I received from noracora and these cute white loafers from popjulia. I don’t have any plaid tops made with brighter, feminine colors so I was happy to receive this one. I do wish it had the gingham detail like it does in the photos and had more cotton in it because it tends to get static cling. It doesn’t wrinkle though so that is nice. Fit is TTS. The loafers are such a cute shoe for spring! They do run big so don’t size up at all. I am in between sizes and sized up to an 8, but could have gotten a 7. You can use code PJSNS38 for 38% off on their site.
I hope you all have a wonderful Easter weekend and stay safe and healthy!

linking up with Thursday Fashion Files, High Latitude Style, Thursday Moda, A Labor of Life, Chic and Stylish , Trendy Thursday, Fashion Frenzy, On the Edge of the Week, Fancy Friday, Lizzie in Lace, High Five for Friday, On Mondays We Link Up, Weekday Wear, Pocket Full of Polka Dots